Saturday, 13 April 2013

Speaking Tip for April, 16th

7 bogus grammar 'errors' you don't need to worry about

You actually can start a sentence with a conjunction — and end it with a preposition
When it comes to the English language, I'm not an anything-goes kind of guy. If I were, I wouldn't have written a book called How to Not Write Bad: The Most Common Writing Errors and the Best Ways to Avoid Them. It's just that I hate to see people waste their time hunting down so-called mistakes that really aren't mistakes at all. So consider this a public-service announcement in the wake of Monday's National Grammar Day. Here are seven rules you really (really!) don't have to worry about following.
1. Don't split infinitives
The rule against splitting infinitives — that is, putting an adverb between the word to and a verb — was pretty much made up out of whole cloth by early 19-century grammarians, apparently because they felt the proper model for English was Latin, and in Latin, infinitive-splitting is impossible. However, English is not Latin, and infinitives have been profitably split by many great writers, from Hemingway ("But I would come back to where it pleases me to live; to really live") to Gene Rodenberry  ("to boldly go where no man has gone before"). It's okay to boldly do it.
2. Don't end a sentence with a prepositionThe idea that it's wrong to end a sentence with a preposition (from, with, etc.) was invented by the English poet John Dryden... in 1672. He probably based his objection on a bogus comparison with — you guessed it — Latin, where such constructions don't exist. In any case, there is no basis to the rule inEnglish grammar, and, once again, great writers have ignored it with no great loss to their prose or reputations. Jane Austen: "Fanny could with difficulty give the smile that was asked for." Robert Frost: "The University is one most people have heard of." James Joyce: "He had enough money to settle down on." Trying to avoid ending with a preposition frequently ties you into the awkward knot of "to whom" and "to which" constructions. On a memo criticizing a document for committing this "error,"Winston Churchill allegedly wrote: "This is the type of arrant pedantry up with which I will not put."
It is true that prepositions are a relatively weak part of speech and, all things being equal, it's desirable to end sentences strongly. So sometimes it pays to rewrite such constructions. Thus, "He's the person I gave the money to" isn't as good as "I gave him the money."
3. Don't use "which" as a relative pronoun
The bogus idea here is that only that, never which, should be used to introduce so-called defining or restrictive clauses. For example, "The United States is one of the countries which that failed to ratify the Kyoto Protocol." One again, this is totally made up. Geoffrey Pullum, co-editor of the authoritative Cambridge Grammar of the English Language, has written, "The alleged rule has no basis. Even in edited prose, 75 percent of the instances of relative 'which' introduce 'restrictive' relatives." The culprit here seems to be the great language commentator H.W. Fowler, who popularized the notion in his 1926 book, Modern English Usage 
In fairness to Fowler, he merely speculated that if writers were to follow this custom (as he acknowledged they currently did not), "there would be much gain both in lucidity & ease." Language sticklers took that and ran with it, and this idea reigned for most of the rest of the century. Even now, it has a lot of adherents. But it still doesn't have any justification. One of the great sticklers, Jacques Barzun, advised in a 1975 book that we ought to avoid such whiches. But as Merriam-Webster's Dictionary of English Usage points out, on the very next page Barzun broke his own rule, writing, "Next is a typical situation which a practiced writer corrects 'for style' virtually by reflex action…."
4. Don't start a sentence with a conjunctionExcept possibly in the most formal settings, there is absolutely nothing wrong with starting a sentence with And or But. A funny thing about the supposed rule against doing so is that no one has been able to find a book or authority that has ever endorsed it (with the exception of a single 1868 text turned up by the scholar Dennis Baron). But countless people feel this is unacceptable, possibly because the notion was pounded into their head by some middle school grammar teacher. Get over it!
(It has become popular recently to follow sentence-opening conjunctions with a comma, for example, "But, we got there too late for the early-bird special." That is indeed wrong. No comma.)
5. Don't use the passive voiceThe poster child for passive-hating is a quote from President George H.W. Bush. In a 1986 speech about the Iran-Contra scandal, he said, "Clearly, mistakes were made." Just as clearly, the problem is that the grammar fudges a crucial question: Who made the mistakes? Passive construction can indeed propagate such obfuscation, as well as wordiness, and thus should be used judiciously. But there's nothing inherently wrong with it, and when the subject of a clause or sentence isn't known, or isn't as important as the object, passive voice can be just the thing. Tom Wicker's classic New York Timesopening sentence of November 23, 1963, would have been ruined if he'd tried to shoehorn it into the active voice. Wicker wrote: "President John Fitzgerald Kennedy was shot and killed by an assassin today."
6. Don't neglect to use singular verbs
Etymologically, data is the plural of the Latin datum. But from the time it first appeared in English, it has been treated as a collective noun (such as water or money), and collective nouns take singular verbs. Every single citation in The Oxford English Dictionary (OED) pairs data with such a verb, starting with, "Inconsistent data sometimes produces a correct result," from an 1820 edition of theEdinburgh New Philosophical Journal. Thus, insisting on the data are… is pretentious and unnecessary. Media, meaning the various means by which information is disseminated in a society,appeared later — 1923, according to the OED. Although it's plural of the Latin medium, it too was treated from the start as a singular. The media are…  is an unfortunate recent affectation. 
A similar issue arises when a word such as group or bunch is followed by the word of, then a plural. For example: "A bunch of my friends is/are coming over." Some sticklers insist on is, because group is singular. But this is an area where English grammar is flexible, and are is acceptable as well. My advice is to choose the singular or plural based on whether you're emphasizing the collection or the individuals. In the above example, I would go with are. Saying A bunch of my friends is coming oversounds as stuffy as your nostrils in the middle of a particularly bad cold.
7. Don't use words to mean what they've been widely used to mean for 50 years or more
An instant's glance at the OED confirms that the one thing about words that never changes is that their meanings always change. The process takes time, and to be an early adopter of a new meaning means putting yourself at risk of both incomprehension and abuse. However, at a certain point, clinging to old definitions is a superstitious waste of time and thought. Here's a list of words and expressions whose new meanings, though still scorned by some sticklers, are completely acceptable. (If it puzzles you that there is any objection to some of these, or to find out the original meaning, Google the word or phrase. You will find a lively debate, to say the least.) 
It's okay to use...
Decimate to mean "kill or eliminate a large proportion of something"
like to mean "such as"
liable to to mean "likely to"
hopefully to mean "I hope that"      
over to mean "more than"
since to mean "because"
while to mean "although"
momentarily to mean "in a moment"
the lion's share to mean "the majority"
verbal to mean "oral"
I could care less to mean "I couldn't care less"
And if you have a problem with that, I could care less.

Discussion Article for April, 16th

Mashable OP-ED

Are people so busy fiddling with their electronic devices that they can no longer resolve disputes face to face?

It certainly seems that way lately. The insane tale of Adria Richards' dismissal from SendGridis just the latest example of the social media-based public shaming trend. Don't get me wrong. I am in no way endorsing Richards' firing and especially not the horrifying comments and threats she received through social media. Nor am I in any way saying that she got what she deserved.
However, there is a case to be made that this whole incident could have been avoided with one real-life conversation.
A quick recap:
As Richards detailed in her blog, her run-in with two developers at last weekend's PyCon event began that way.
The guy behind me to the far left was saying he didn’t find much value from the logging session that day. I agreed with him so I turned around and said so. He then went onto say that an earlier session he’d been to where the speaker was talking about images and visualization with Python was really good, even if it seemed to him the speaker wasn’t really an expert on images. He said he would be interested in forking the repo and continuing development.
That would have been fine until the guy next to him…
began making sexual forking jokes
I was going to let it go. It had been a long week. A long month. I’d been on the road since mid February attending and speaking at conferences. PyCon was my 5th and final conference before heading home.
It's unclear whether the guys began joking after she turned around or as she was still facing them. Richards doesn't say and could not be reached for comment. Based on her description, it appears that Richards eventually turned around and began simmering as she heard them crack more sexually charged jokes. As she recalled, "I was telling myself if they made one more sexual joke, I’d say something." According to her account, Richards never said anything. Instead, she got riled up when she saw a photo of a young girl on stage who had been to a young coders' workshop.
I realized I had to do something or she would never have the chance to learn and love programming because the ass clowns behind me would make it impossible for her to do so.
In the days before social media, Richards might have confronted the two guys. Ethically, that appears to be the correct thing to do. Instead, she chose a new option: Publicly shaming them.
As we all now know, Richards tweeted a photo of the two guys. The rest is history.
Such a blow-up now appears inevitable. Constant access to social media has done some weird things to humanity. Our narcissism is off the charts, and with that comes a penchant for portraying ourselves as public crusaders.
Civility, meanwhile, has gone by the wayside. For instance, a month or so ago, photographer Brandon Stanton learned that DKNY was using his photos without his permission. So he did what everyone does nowadays — he complained about it on Facebook. However, Stanton told me he made no effort to contact DKNY beforehand, shutting the option to resolve the dispute privately. Though Stanton was right, he seemed to be putting needless public pressure on DKNY for what may have been an honest mistake.
(While Stanton's story had a happy ending, two photographers named Erica & Shaun Kusche went public with a similar complaint about Delta Airlines. However, this time they were mistaken. It's not clear if they tried to contact Delta first, though. The Kusches could not be reached for comment.) 
Other forms of public shaming are equally prevalent. This Tumblr, for instance, collected some awful tweets related to the Steubenville rape case. Cataloging racist and ignorant tweets for public consumption has also become a blogging pastime. Yet the end result seems to be titillation rather than actual shaming. You read these tweets and you feel better about yourself because you're not one of those people.
I'm not above any of this. I've tweeted pictures of people who annoyed me, like the guy who insisted on keeping his backpack on in a crowded train, and the woman who used an empty seat for her bag while people were standing on the train. Many more times I've mulled tweeting about the smelly guy next to me, or snapping and sharing a pic of someone with a horribly bad toupee — just for fun.
But I realize now this is not a good impulse. It's based in cowardice and judgmentallism and we should do our best to ignore it. The rule of thumb should be: If you would feel horrified if the person you're tweeting about read your tweet, then you shouldn't do it. And if you feel like you're shaming someone for the public good, then you're probably just being a wee bit self-righteous.
Here's a better idea: The next time you feel outraged about something someone near you is doing, put your phone down and go talk to that person. Either that or shut up and mind your own business.

Discussion article for April, 16th

According to a study carried out by consultants Ernst & Young, ten “major” businesses have plans to leave Belgium. The study involved 205 international companies, asking them about the present investment climate in Belgium, De Tijd reports.
No names are being mentioned, but the study shows that investors are losing their confidence in Belgium. Confidence levels in Belgium are below the European figure.
Only 84 percent of the captains of industry participating in the poll say that they are sure their multinational company will still be located in Belgium in 10 years’ time. Last year, this was still 91 percent.
High taxes on labour are believed to be the mean stumbling block. Fiscal pressure should by no means rise, the report warns. In other words: no new taxes. A clear warning to the federal government, where key ministers are discussing new measures to come up with extra money to reduce the budget deficit.