Sunday, 13 November 2011

Discussion Topics for November the15th and 18th

1. Does the environment belong principally to the human race?

2. Should cars be banned from city, town and village centres?

3. Which age-group in your country eats most fast and convenience food?
What could be done to encourage these people to eat more fresh food?

4. Should the law limit the number of fast food restaurants in our towns?

5. Does the fashion industry exist mainly to persuade people to spend money on things they do not really need?

6. Which countries have the best and worst fashions in clothes?

7. Would you prefer to live in:
  • a class-less society, regulated by a democratically elected government or
  • a society with all levels of income and wealth, regulated by the free market including the power of multinational companies?

8. Should political parties and politicians have to publish all their sources of income, including private donations?

9. Do Trade Unions serve a useful purpose and should every worker have the right to join one?

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